Hey Guys, It time for the Renegades Extreme Fighting again and this time it is at the Toyota Center. It is this Saturday, March 25th at 8:00 p.m. Please see the attached flyer for more information. Be sure to come out and support your fellow fighter Sammy and don’t forget to wear your Revolution Dojo shirts. If you do not have a dojo shirt and would like to purchase one, please see your instructor. Also, do not forget that Tim Credeur is doing a BJJ seminar this Sunday from 1:00 – 3:00 at Iron Dragon Tae Kwon Do. See an instructor at the gym for more information on this seminar. It is a great opportunity to train with one of the best in the business, so be sure you check it out. In honor of Terrorist (Andrew’s) birthday Jeff has invited you out to see Dilated Peoples at Warehouse Live (www.warehouselive.com) this Thursday, March 23rd. It is free to any Revolution Dojo member that is wearing a Dojo shirt. Please contact jeff@aeg-tmg.com if you are interested in seeing the show. Please see attached a copy of the flyer for more information. See you at the gym! Peace, Revolution Dojo