Rickson Video Interview

While no one is really sure about his return to the ring, Rickson Gracie has joined the Super Challenge Grappling organization to help coordinate rules for the show.Rickson Gracie coordinates the rules for Super Challenge Grappling

Submission attempts will score more points than any other position

While no one is really sure about his return to the ring, Rickson Gracie has joined the Super Challenge Grappling organization to help coordinate rules for the show. Promoter Paulo Vasconcelos explained that Rickson joining the event was fundamental ib establishing the rules of the tournament.

“We talked about the necessity of creating rules forfighters to be active and we are working on making these rules work.”

Rickson stated that Super Challenge will feature a grappling event with all the glamour and notoriety of a big MMA show.

“Paulo is a big friend of mine and I am happy to jointhis project.

What we did is make rules that will give points to fighters who put their opponents in real submission attempts. For example, a sweep will render only one point, a mount position two points, but a submission attempt will earn you three points. We are going to offer a great show for the fans and hope to stimulate fighters to compete for submissions.”

In this interview, Rickson talks about the Super Grappling Challenge, as well as talks about his own future plans and his son Kron Gracie.

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Jose Mauricio Costa