This Article originally appeared on BJJ.org. The entire archive of information is now available on OntheMat.comRorion Gracie interviewfrom America Online (AOL)Spring 1998
This interview took place shortly before UFC 17.
Skillrules Hi Rorion, what do you think about Joe Pardo and his fight?Rorion Joe has been taking classes here at the Academy. I don’t know if he is quite ready, but we will see. Uke395 When will Royce fight next ?Will you ever fight NHB or in a submission tournament?Rorion We will begin negotiations for Royce as soon as he is given the OK by his doctor. Seoulman98 Why is there a falling out between you and the other Gracies?Rorion Because I want to do everything as my father recommended. Tmi2570238 Was Rolls better than Rickson?Rorion They have different styles. They are both great fighters. MrSteel111 how skillful is Renzo at Gracie Jiu-Jitsu?Rorion Not as skillful as Royce. Dnwsr Do you think any Gracie will ever return to the UFC? The competition now is much greater with guys like Frank Shamrock.Rorion There is a possibility. We still have a problem with time limits and judges. Uke395 Will you ever compete in a submission event?Rorion I do a different kind of fight these days. Ryutoken Why did you take legal action against Rickson over the GJJ trademark?Rorion I did not take legal action against Rickson. X2 Michael Do you see him often?Rorion No, I do not see him often. Rickson is busy taking care of his things, and I of mine. Shooto375 When is the Gracie Academy coming out with the Gracie Advanced Tape Series?Rorion As we speak, the tapes are being duplicated. This will be our best ever. Sensel With 47 yrs in JJ, I must ask why the young Gracie’s students are so arrogant?Rorion Whose students are you referring to? Sensel New York Area.Rorion Please be specific. Who is the instructor? Sensel Don’t know. One of them wrote to Michael DePasqual in the Karate International letters page.Rorion Please find out and let me know. That is not the message I give to my students. Skillrules Rorion, what do you think about Carlson and his fighters? Rorion I think they lack technique. Chinaskic Why didn’t Dan Severn Fight Royce for UFC 5 like Mark Tripp was preparing him for?Rorion Royce was scheduled to fight Shamrock in UFC 5. Mark Tripp can’t prepare Severn enough. Usatrex007 If Pardo defends the Gracies in challenge matches, why not support him in his corner at UFC?Rorion He is not representing the Academy at the UFC. As I said, I do not think he is ready. Skillrules Rorion, who is your best student for NHB? Isn’t NHB fighting what you teach? Rorion Time will tell. I don’t have an opinion yet. Royce is my best student. Chinaskic How can Rickson claim being undefeated when he lost in a Sombo match?Rorion I do not know of any Sambo match that he lost. Imda Drew I sometimes take classes with Richard Bressler. What do you think of his teaching?Rorion Richard is OK.