Sergio Junior: “There will be revenge, and I’ll win”

 The main fight of the Jungle Fight closed well the last edition in 2010. Sergio Junior and Edilberto Crocotá did a very exciting fight, with good times to each side.


Remembering what Wallid Ismail said the day before at the weighing, about like fighters that give spectacle to the public, both tried to please the "boss" since the entrance. Crocotá got style cowboy hat and sunglasses, a bizarre combination, but perhaps less bizarre than the entrance of the opponent, the sound of a Northeastern music called “Motinha Dance”. This entry has even been chosen by the audience, who soon directed his supporters to the fighter from Natal. “The MMA, today, is a show. A show at the weighing, a show at the entrance and, if possible, a show in the ring”, said Sergio.


And when the fight began, the athletes showed that they really wanted to make a good fight. Showing a good standup, it seemed that one of the two would fall shortly. Crocotá was better in the first round, hitting more punches and cornering Junior sometimes. In the second round, Sergio came back better, combining good set of hands with low kicks, undermining the thigh of Edilberto, something noticed by his corner, which led him to insist on strikes in the thigh. In the final round, unlike the previous two, there was a great balance between the fighters, with no clear advantage to any of them. “The first round he won, for sure. The second and third I won, the third with a minor advantage”, Junior said after the fight.


After several minutes of confusion, was declared a controversial draw. While Crocotá rebelled and raged against the judges, Sergio chose a more polished, “Who was wrong it was I. Not he, not the judges, it was I! I could not leave in their hands”, resigned the RFT athlete.


Sergio played an important issue, involving the origin of both fighters (he is from Natal and Crocotá, from Bahia): “I think neither of we lost, who won was the Northeast. We showed that in the Northeast have great fighters and we opened the doors for many people it needs. Few athletes in the North and Northeast have a chance, and there are very good fighters there, but sometimes, for example, the problem is the ticket of the guy, the owner of the event don’t want to pay …”


And also remembered of his countrymen that have success abroad. "We have top fighters like Renan Barão (former WEC fighter, now in the UFC) Gleison Tibau (UFC), brothers Patricio and Patrick Pitbull, among others. If they give an opportunity, we will show in the ring”.


It was the third tie of the career of the fighter from Natal, which just in this year has nine fights, with six wins, two defeats and this draw. Sergio commented on so many fights in just one year, showing a hard reality of Brazilian fighters: “I had nine fights in six months. If you see that, that’s wrong. But I’m still in Brazil, I need money, this is my job, I have to create a child … I have to fight. I had two fights this year with an interval of four days. I have no complaints, I have staff that helps me … But if it was one every three months would be better, and the sport would grow in Brazil”.


Returning to training camp, the representative of Natal said goodbye thanking: "I want to thank Ricardo Sergio, my manager, who gave me the opportunity to come train in Rio, which helped me a lot. Thanks to the master Cromado, the RFT, to all who support me. Sorry that I did not get the win today, but more will come”, he said, already aiming about the strip against the opponent from Bahia: “There will be revenge, and I will win!”, he concluded.


On Monday, Wallid Ismail tell to Portal do Vale Tudo and ensured that the new battle between Sergio and Crocotá is scheduled for the next edition of the event, that will be held on February 19, in Vila Velha.

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