A Technique from Brazilian Jiu-JitsuCourtesy Erin Toughill (erintoughill.com)
These techniques should only be practiced with the supervision of an experienced instructor.
Practicing the moves incorrectly could result in serious bodily injury or death.This information was originally published on www.erintoughill.com, and is reproduced on BJJ.Org with express permission.
1 Erin stands toe to toe with opponent.
2 Opponent shoots a back-leg front thrust kick.
3 Erin parries kick to the side with front arm.
4 Erin simultaneously scoops up back leg with opposite arm and moves in with lead arm around waist (head against chest).
5 Picks opponent up.
6 Slams to ground while still holding leg.
7 Steps leg around and squeezes thighs around opponent’s knee.
8 Applies knee bar!