The Open House Project

The OpenHouse Project was founded by members of the MMA community. Team up with us on The Open House Project.Org

I just wanted to take a second to let all of you know that The Open House Project has had tremendous success over the past week. I sent each of you an email about two weeks ago and asked you to help us help others. The replywe saw was incredibly heart-warming.

In the past week we’ve done interviews with CNBC, The Washington Post, The LA Times, the Chicago Tribune, and The Houston Chronicle just to name a few. We’re doing another live interview this Sunday at 3:00 PM CST with CNN as well!! We’ve been able to generate close to 7,000 beds for victims affected by the hurricane and matched up hundreds of families with host families all across the country.

If some of you could have read the messages we’ve been reading I’m sure it would bring you to tears just like it has us.

The Open House Project is doing great but we need your help to make it better. We’re really in need of “foot volunteers” to make the match-making process work more efficiently. A foot volunteer physicallygoes to a shelter or area where there are a lot of evacuees and helps by passing out housing request forms (which can be found at

If you live in an area where there a lot of evacuees and know that you’re able to help in this manner then please send an email to

There’s nothing we’d love to see more than the entire MMA community behindus! Even if you can’t volunteer, please help us get the word out. Weneed more beds and we need to get word to the evacuees that there is helpavailable for them.

From all of us at Gameness,

We thank you

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About the author

Ed Clay