U.S. Open Early Registration Deadline a week away!

U.S. Open Early Registration Deadline, Midnight, October 12th

Attention competitors! The deadline to receive the discounted price of $50.00 for tournament registration is one week away. You have until Midnight, next Wednesday, October 12th to save $15.00.

Don`t wait! You can use the $15.00 savings to eat at one of the many fine restaraunts in Santa Cruz, for which we shall have information available in your competitor packets. You can get these at competitor check-in. For more info on check-in go here:


Between October 13th and Monday October 17th, Midnight, the registration fee will be $65.00.

Go here for more registration information:


Click here to go directly to online registration:


Rules and Referees Seminar with Professor Alvaro Mansor, Sunday, October 16th, 2005

Professor Alvaro Mansor is a 4th Degree Black Belt and Director of Referees for the Confederation of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation. He will go over step-by-step how referees should interpret and apply the official rules of jiu-jitsu when judging a match. Many competitors often feel robbed because they don`t really know the subtleties of the rules. Knowing the intricacies of the rules are a must for any game or sport, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is no different. Come clear up any misconceptions or questions you have about the rules. This seminar is extremely beneficial to competitors and referees alike. Don`t miss this opportunity to get on top of your game!

9:00 am – 12:00 pm

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Lunch

1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

White and Blue Belts will receive a Certificate of Participation

Purple through black belts will receive Referee Certification

In Santa Cruz, CA

2-1507 East Cliff Drive Santa Cruz, CA 95062

General Fee=$50

CFBJJA/CBJJL Members=$40

For seminar information and registration call 831.476.7650.


Competitor List by Belt as of 11:00 am 10-05-2005

Please check competitor lists periodically to make sure your registration information is correct. Email us blackbelt@claudiofrancabjj.com or call (831) 476-7650 to make corrections.

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About the author

Claudio Franca