UFC Releases Ten Fighters from Contracts

UFC Releases Ten Fighters

UFC Releases Ten Fighters from their contracts after poor performances in the Octagon. Who shocks you the most from this list or do none shock you at all?

UFC Releases Ten Fighters
UFC Releases Ten Fighters and five of them are from the Flyweight division. The biggest surprise in Tim Elliot who seemed to have legitimate skill in the Octagon even after losing three straight. He was thrown to the wolves right away with a match against John Dodson where he was not knocked out. He followed up two wins with three straight losses against Zach Makovsky, Ali Bagautinov, and Joseph Benavidez. TUF veteran Louis Gaudinot was also on the chopping block after a 1-3 record and a failed drug test. Also cut was Alptekin Ozkilic who posted a 1-3 record, Shane Howell who was winless in two fights, and another two fight loser in Tateki Matsuda.

UFC Releases Ten Fighters and the remaining five were all veterans of TUF not counting the two that were in the Flyweight division. The TUF veteran with he most prolific career has to have been Dylan Andrews. Over the course of five fights he posted a record of 2-3. He started out good with two big knockout wins and then lost three straight getting finished in each fight. Of course one of them was marred by an injury. The only other of the five fighter from TUF from the UFC Releases Ten Fighters with an actual win would be Vik Grujic who went 1-3 in the Octagon.

UFC Releases Ten Fighters from TUF and Flyweight division.

There were also two fighters released from TUF that were winless in every fight. Rocky Lee only had one fight in the UFC that he loss but with only four professional fights he may need more time on the regional circuit. The same could go for Alexander Torress who has a 2-2 record overall. The only other fighter released from the UFC that is a girl is Shayna Baszler who also happens to be current UFC Bantamweight champion Ronda Rousey’s training partner. She went winless in both her UFC fights getting finished by Brazilian fighter Bethe Correira and Amanda Nunes she may have a a second career fighting for Invicta FC who is in need of name fighters.

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Scotty OTM