Dear Traditional Karate-ka,
Join us at THE 35th UC RIVERSIDE SHOTOKAN KARATE CHAMPIONSHIPS and 2007 WUKO – USA IPPON TEAM TRYOUTS, to be held on Saturday,May 19, at the University of California, in Riverside.
You are invited! Please click to the following locations for:
Tournament Poster: Information: Divisions: Directions:
DON’T FORGET – This year’s advanced Men and Women’s divisions are West Coast selection events to choose the 2007 USA Ippon Team to compete at the 2007 WUKO World Championships, this June, in Spain.
!!! SPECIAL – ARE YOU A SANBON FIGHTER? I encourage all national caliber san-bon fighters to contact me regarding their potential eligibility to represent the US at the 2007 WUKO World Championships, this Summer in Spain. Please visit: for more information.
!!! ALL TRADITIONAL KARATE GROUPS – Interested in finding out more about the REAL FUTURE of traditional international Karate – and having fewer headaches? Visit WUKO – The World Union of Karate-Do Organizations –
Thank you! Please feel free to write me directly at with any thoughts or questions.
Edmond Otis760.612.7029 – Direct760.721.8365 – Faxotis@americanJKA.comAJKA-I – Chairman & North American Chief InstructorWUKO – Chairman: North American RegionDirector and Chief Instructor – UCR Karate Programhttp://www.AmericanJKA.comhttp://www.wuko-karate.org