Xande seminar

Hey all, Sorry for the frequent emails but we really need to get an idea of how many are planning on coming to the Xande Ribeiro Seminar (he just won the Mundials…again). It is THIS Saturday, Sept 8th, 2007 from 2:30 to 6 pm. The cost is $100. Please let me know if you plan on being there! Attached is a PDF of the flyer if you’d like to distribute. Also, for those of you who do not know, we have moved to a new location across the street. It’s Niiice (said in BORAT accent 🙂 Here is the new address:Piedmont Executive Center3645 Grand Avenue, Suite 102Oakland, CA 94610 If you can’t make the seminar, please come by and see the new spot sometime! Regards, Stephan

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Stephan Goyne