About the author

Glen Isobe


Enson Inoue Interview

By Glen Isobe / May 29, 2007

One week until Enson Inoue arrives in L.A.What: MMA SeminarWho: Enson Inoue (Heavyweight Shooto Champ & Pride FC veteran) When: Sunday June 3rd, 2007Where: R1 Center (formerly rAw Training Center) in El Segundo, CA Time: 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.Cost: $30 at the door cash only Directions to r-1 Gym:http://www.r1gym.com/wst_page6.html Enson: What’s up? (Sounds like […]


Enson Inoue Interview

By Glen Isobe / May 29, 2007

Enson Inoue InterviewMarlene: So Enson what’s been up, how is your training at Pure Bred in Osaka, Japan? Enson: It’s going good actually; the gyms in Japan are great. I’m looking to come to the states more and do some more seminars, and training. I’m doing a movie thing in Hollywood from the 4th to […]


Enson Inoue Seminar

By Glen Isobe / May 16, 2007

Enson Inoue seminar in Los Angeles What: MMA Seminar with with Enson InoueWhen: Sunday June 3rd, 2007Where: R1 Center (formerly rAw Training Center) in El Segundo, CATime: 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.Cost: $30 at the door cash only Directions to r-1 Gym:http://www.r1gym.com/wst_page6.html Hope to see you guys there!!!