I have arranged through Petranek Fitness of Santa Monica to offer a special Sunday $10 CrossFit class for jiujitsu practitioners. For those of you who have never done a CrossFit workout before – CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program and every single workout is different. It is highly intense and highly efficient. Classes are never more than an hour long, and the workouts themselves range from 15-30 minutes long. But you will work hard in those minutes! CrossFit incorporates a large range of exercises – everything from plyometrics, Olympic lifting, gymnastics, rowing, running, kickboxing, etc. Please don’t feel like you don’t know enough to come to a class – one of the great things about CrossFit is that you will, over time, gain a wide range of skills doing things you might never have expected. Don’t feel like you’re not in shape enough to do CrossFit, either! CrossFit will GET you in shape. All workouts are scaleable and adjustable to each individuals fitness level and physical limitations. Just make sure you let me know before a workout if you have an injury or condition that may effect your performance or that we need to work around. If you want to check out what some CrossFit workouts look like, check out my MySpace blog:http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=2806585&blogID=73814570&MyToken=8183a5eb-6c4a-4226-ac70-80f23fd1ffe2 CrossFit will give you a great workout that will build both your strength and your conditioning, and best of all you’ll have fun and learn new skills at the same time. Here is the January schedule:
1/8: 12:00-1:00pm1/15: 12:00-1:00pm1/22: No class1/29: 11:30am – 12:30pm The classes will be held at Petranek Fitness, which is where I train and teach. Please, check out the website at www.petranekfitness.com The address of the gym is: Petranek Fitness Gym 1453 14th St. Unit C (rear) Santa Monica, CA 90404 It’s actually located in the alley on Broadway, between 14th and 15th. Easiest thing for most people is to take the 10 West, get off on Cloverfield and head north, then turn left on Broadway. If a bunch of you are coming from the same direction, you might think of meeting up at Trader Joe’s by 10th Planet and carpooling — from there the easiest way to get to the gym is just take Santa Monica Blvd. all the way into Santa Monica. Either way, on a Sunday afternoon traffic should not be bad at all. These classes are not open to anybody, just the jiujitsu world — so you will probably know people there if you attend. Each class is $10 – which is a big discount I’ve arranged. Classes on the regular schedule are $25. Let me know if you’re interested in attending a class so I can reserve you a spot – there is a maximum of ten people per class to assure everyone receives plenty of instruction. Please show up 15 minute early for your first class to fill out paperwork. Also, if you guys are interested in CrossFit, but Sunday doesn’t work for you — I can arrange classes for you at other times during the week. The only catch is you have to guarantee at least four people will show up for the $10 price. If fewer people come, you’ll have to pay more. I also teach private personal training sessions for $45/hour — or bring a friend and I can train you both for $50. It’s fun to come with a friend because you can do partner exercises and you have someone to cheer for and compete with. Please email me at becca@ringgirl.net if you want a space reserved in the Sunday class or you’d like to arrange other training times! -Becca Borawskiwww.beccafilms.com www.myspace.com/ringgirl